Thursday, February 5, 2015

Office Unicorn and My Endless Supply of Food

Unicorn...That's my new nickname at work. On the day I started telling work colleagues, we were having a conversation about how rare triplets are. One of my coworkers chimed in that I was just like a unicorn...and the name has stuck. So now I'm the pregnant unicorn who is constantly eating, mostly thanks to my wonderful coworkers.

My teammates Allison and Ali have known about the Rice Krispies for quite awhile but were sworn to secrecy until we were ready to tell everyone. The day after we left the cat out of the bag, they showed up to work with a GIANT bag full of goodies to stock my snack drawer. I actually had to upgrade to a bigger drawer in order to accommodate the stash. 

Today I had another colleague Beth stop by with a big tub of Tzatziki sauce and Spanish cheeses. I know Beth well as I've babysat for her 3 boys for several years, so she knows how fond I am of manchego cheese and tzatziki. I'm really fortunate to have so many wonderful coworkers who are looking out for me and the babies!

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