Saturday, July 4, 2015

Will and Cooper are Home!!!

Will and Cooper were discharged from the NICU yesterday! Ironic- the day I was scheduled to deliver the babies was the day we brought two of our babies home!

It wasn't nearly as hard to leave Griffin as I had expected, mainly because he has really started to catch up in terms of development. His feeding tube was removed and he had his circumcision and Hep B shots. Dr. Markham optimistically said he would likely be released on Sunday, as long as he continues to take his feeds well! The prospect of only being by himself for two nights is FAR easier to stomach than an unknown release date! It also helped to know that our favorite nurse, Allison, was working the night shift last night so we knew Griffin would be in good hands. Honestly, he was probably in better shape to be cared for than his brothers! 

It was after 5:00 pm by the time we got the boys packed up and loaded into the car. Thankfully it was a holiday Friday as traffic was light. Any other Friday and we would have been stuck driving home right in the middle of rush hour! Even with light traffic it was one of the longest drives of my life. I crammed into the third row of the car so I could keep an eye on the boys and make sure they were handling their car seats and breathing OK. Fortunately they both handled the drive like champs- neither of them made a peep the whole drive home!

Our first big whoops as new parents- getting two premie babies home from the hospital in time for their 6:00 pm feeding, and not having ANY thawed milk to serve them for dinner! I had left my fresh milk from my 4:00 pm pump at the hospital for Griffin to add to his stash of reserves so we were without any milk to give the other 2 boys for their first meal home. Thank goodness my milk has fully come in! I quickly pumped just enough to get them fed then we started the process of settling in upstairs. Will and I are now the boys' roommates! We have pretty much moved into our guest bedroom upstairs so we can be close to the boys. 

It was a LONG night as all four of us adjusted to new surroundings. But we're so happy to have 2/3 of our crew together and home!


Jess H said...

Whoo hoooo! This is my second favorite post ever! My favorite will be next week when you're all at home as a party-of-five. :) no harm in settling in with 2 anyway, right? Good luck and hugs to all of you!

Unknown said...

I'm finally getting a chance to look through this fabulous blog! The pictures are so sweet and your words are too kind! Griffin definitely got a lot of lovin' that night...from one middle child to another!!

New Blog Location!

I realized today that I never posted a link to my new website. I’ve decided to try out a new, easier to find website and am now blogging ove...