Trading in our jet-setting lifestyle of passports and airline miles for car seats and cribs!
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Five Months Old!
Quickly outgrowing the bear/chair combination
Tummy time for everyone!
Cooper makes a good pillow
Good morning!
Checking each other out
Football Saturday with Daddy
Five months old today! Five! I'm sure it's a universal statement made by parents all over the world, but I can't believe how quickly our babies are growing up. Here's a quick peek at what's new with the boys:
We officially have three thumb suckers on our hands. Will and Griffin are definitely done with their pacifiers- we don't even offer them one any longer. Cooper will still take a pacifier from time to time, but he'll usually end up pulling it out in favor of his thumb. We love that they self-soothe this way (for now) although I'm sure it will be tough to break them of the habit in several years. You can't really hide their thumbs from them! All three of them recognize Will and me and will look in our direction when we talk. I'm not sure if they know their own names at this point but there are times when it seems they do. No one has developed "stranger danger" yet and they will happily be held by anyone who picks them up. I wonder how much longer that will last. In addition to recognizing Will and me, they have started noticing each other more, too. They aren't full-on playing with each other yet, but they will spend time staring at each other and engage in what I swear are conversations. If they are laying near each other one will talk and chatter, then pause while the other starts up. It's been fun to watch them become aware of one another and we can't wait to watch their relationships evolve!
A little light reading
Will has started moving! I left the room for a couple minutes and came back to find him under the coffee table. Yikes!
Will is such a little sweetheart, but we're starting to see a little more attitude from him, too. He doesn't have a good poker face so it's pretty easy to tell when he's not happy about something. He continues to be a big talker and has recently been yelling at the top of his lungs just because he can. Will is getting very good at grabbing for toys during playtime and can hold items that you hand to him now. He was the first to try holding his own bottle but hasn't quite figured out how to hold it for himself all the time. Will loves when I lay on my back on the floor and sit him on my stomach so he can look around. He laughs and smiles if you help him from sit down to standing and back down again. Will is weighing in at 15 lbs these days.
Griffin has found his voice and loves to talk to us now, too. After being the grunter baby for so long it's funny to hear the high-pitched squeals that come out of him these days. He continues to have no interest in standing on his legs but he's really good at tummy time. As mentioned he loves to watch football and will sit with Daddy for a long time without getting fidgety when football is on. Poor Griffin is our first baby to have a fever- thankfully that was his only symptom though we did take him in for a check just to be sure. Thanks to that visit we know that at 5 months he weighs 15 lbs, 5 oz!
In addition to being able to pull his pacifier out of his mouth, Cooper has gotten really good at holding his own bottle lately, too. He is probably the one who most consistently tries to hold it for himself during feeds. We are still waiting for Cooper to roll over from front to back- I'm beginning to wonder if he will just bypass that milestone. He likes to sit up (with help) and look around. Hopefully he'll be able to sit up on his own soon! Cooper is still the smallest of the group at 12 lbs.
At five months we are:
Sucking our thumbs regularly
Taking around 7-8 oz per feed
Eating 4 times a day
Sleeping through the night!! (From about 10:00 pm- 8:30 am)
Wearing 3-6 month clothing (6 month pants for Will and Griffin, 3 month pants for Cooper)
Starting to interact with our brothers
Smiling and laughing more often
Sitting up and keeping our heads up (with help from mom and dad)
1 comment:
There is so much "on the verge" in this post. Get ready mom and dad (muwahahahaha).....
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