Monday, March 21, 2016


I've been very sentimental and nostalgic in the past week. I'm sure this has been brought on by several factors- my grandma's passing, the boys hitting another milestone by turning 9 months old, and because I've been sifting through their newborn clothes to give away. Looking at their teeny tiny little outfits that used to be soooo big on them reduces me to puddles of tears. Every. Single. Time. I look at them! It's somewhat hard to part with the clothes because I feel like it's closing a chapter of their lives that we'll never get back. I've kept a few sentimental onesies for each of them. My hope is to collect their favorite clothes over the years and eventually make a blanket for each of them that they can take with them when they leave home for good. Still, it's been very emotional as I pack up the rest of their clothes. I would keep them all if I could!

Fortunately I know that my favorite baby outfits are going to good homes. The beauty of having three babies at once means that there are plenty of hand-me-downs to share with friends! My wonderful work friend Ali just learned that they're having a baby boy, which elates me!! She was such a great support for me at work while I was pregnant, and remains so as I've been transitioning back to work full time. I'm so happy that we can hopefully pass that same support on to her as she gears up to become a mom. Knowing she has a boy on the way certainly helps! Her little guy will have no shortage of hand-me-downs from our crew. As an added bonus, her pregnancy falls almost exactly one year after mine. She is due in early August which means that most of our seasonal clothes will be appropriate for them to use.

The remainder of the newborn clothes are being split between several other friends- a big box already went to friends in California who had their first baby boy a few months ago, and we have some set aside for friends in town who recently had their first boy after welcoming a daughter a couple years ago. I have another friend who's due next month with baby #2. I have a big bag of baby boy clothes for her, too, even though they don't know the gender yet. I correctly predicted that her first baby was  a girl so I'm banking on being correct this time around, too.

As hard as it is to part with these newborn clothes, it's comforting to me to know that I'll be able to see our friends creating new memories with their own baby boys in some of our favorite outfits!

1 comment:

Jess H said...

I still have one bin I just can't part with. I go through it about once a year and shed more and more.

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