Thursday, April 21, 2016

10 Months Old!!

About as good as it gets when trying to wrangle 3 squirmy babies in a chair

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Visit from Auntie Ann and Julie

Hanging in Griffin's crib

We love yogurt!!

Dinner time!

Holy cow. Our babies have now hit double digit months. 10 whole months in this world?!?! They are changing so much these days- it feels like they're always learning a new trick or starting something new every couple days. Here's a quick update on everyone:

Will- 10 months

I've already shared on here that Will is now pulling himself up. That's the good news. The bad news? He gets "stuck" once he's up and will cry until one of us helps him down. Cooper did this, too, when he first started pulling up so I'm sure Will will figure out how to get down in no time. He has a bottom tooth that is just popping through- his first! He still loves to give kisses and is often the first baby to attack me when I get home from work. If one of us are sitting on the floor, it's almost guaranteed that he will be trying to sit in our laps or crawl all over us. They all have a bit of separation anxiety lately, but Will's is the most pronounced. He is the least likely of the three boys to go to a stranger willingly. He's recently started blowing spit bubbles (again) and will imitate you when you blow them at him. He also loves to growl and thinks it's hilarious if you growl at him first so he can mimic the noise back at you. In the last week or so we've started giving at least one bottle of milk to Will via a sippy cup instead of a bottle. He is really hard to feed in the rock n play these days as he just won't hold still. He constantly tries to sit up and look around and he's long enough now that he can shimmy out of the buckled strap when he sticks his legs out in front of him. So we're trying to get him good with a sippy cup so we can eventually move him to his high chair (so he'll hold still while he eats!). So far he's done really well, though he can't tip his head back and drink from a sitting position yet. I still stand by my thought that he knows how to sign milk!
Ready to EAT!!

Now that he can stand on his own its all he wants to do!

Dressed up for a meeting with Mama at her office

Matchy-Matchy with Dad

Griffin- 10 months

Griffin's personality is really starting to shine, and man- he keeps us laughing! He's recently gotten into music and will slap his legs and bounce around when a song comes on that he likes. His newest trick involves sticking his tongue out and wagging it back and forth. Like Will and his raspberry blowing, if you stick your tongue out at Griffin he will often mimic you. Griffin is the least affectionate of the group- he doesn't give up kisses as freely as Cooper and Will, but he does give good hugs. And he's also quite happy to attack you the second you sit down on the floor to play with them. He's not quite as reserved as Will when it comes to meeting new faces, but he is definitely not as outgoing as Cooper. His two bottom teeth are almost fully grown in and he looks like a little bulldog when he smiles. He L-O-V-E-S to eat, but can be particular about opening up for foods he doesn't like (but admittedly- there are very few things he won't eat). He has become a screamer- he will scream at the top of his lungs with an ear-piercing yell a lot now. He screams when he's happy or excited, when he wants attention, when he's frustrated or irritated with one of his brothers, and definitely when he's mad! It's so loud! We've tried giving him milk in a sippy cup during bottle time and he won't have it. He protests and cries until we give him his bottle back. He can pull himself up easily now, but doesn't have a graceful dismount yet- he'll just sort of fall back on his butt with a thud when he's done with standing.
His hair is so crazy these days- he's growing wings!

Little lumberjack

Trying a new combed hair look- and showing off his 2 bottom teeth

Sweet little face

Cooper- 10 months

Little guy has his first two teeth coming in simultaneously- one up top and one on the bottom. He is still our small and mighty little man who is the first to do so many things ahead of his brothers. This time was no exception as he was the first to start pulling himself up and he's now the first to figure out how to get himself back down. He is still Mr. Popular and is rarely unhappy when he's got folks to keep him company. He doesn't know a stranger and will happily hang out with anyone willing to hold him. This makes him a favorite among many of my coworkers when the boys come to visit. Cooper is also our little garbage disposal- the kid will eat anything and everything. It amazes me how much they can eat in one sitting. He still loves to give us zerberts and has started playing with his tongue to make different noises (most recently he is clicking his tongue on the roof of his mouth). He will also mimic us when we blow our lips together like a motorboat. We often walk into their room in the morning and find Cooper standing up in his crib. It's so cute to see his little face peeking over the top! Like Griffin he has zero interest in taking milk from a sippy cup, so he's still on bottles for now. He is definitely our calmest baby at feed times and we rarely have to encourage him to finish his bottle. He's started testing his balance by holding onto the play pen or his crib with only one hand, and he'll even let go briefly to grab onto another stable object. I still think he'll be our first walker and it won't surprise me if that happens before their first birthday!
His top tooth is making its way down!

Business casual for a trip to Mama's office

So cute in his Easter hat!

Big boy sitting at the table

At 10 months we:

  • Have 4 bottles a day- 32 ounces/each
  • Pump 4 times a day, and produce anywhere from 90-100 ounces a day
  • Eat solids twice a day
  • Love pretty much any food we offer them, but especially enjoy fruit, cheese, pasta, and bread (just like their mom!)
  • Enjoy sitting at the "big people" table in their high chairs when we have taken them out to eat
  • Reach for Mom or Dad to pick us up
  • Get upset easily when one of their brothers is picked up instead of them
  • Go through more outfit changes than before thanks to lots of spit up, messy eating, and bigger blow out diapers
  • Love bubbles! Sue introduced them to the boys in Hilton Head a couple weeks ago and they love watching them pop
  • Love music: a new favorite song is "The Farmer in The Dell"
  • Love to use Mom and Dad as our own personal jungle gyms anytime they're on the floor with us
  • Are wearing some 6 months clothes still, but pretty much completely moved up to 9 months
  • Have a newly re-arranged room, thanks to grabby hands. The boys enjoy reaching through their crib slats and pulling on the curtains so for awhile all 3 of their cribs were set up in the middle of the room. We finally took the chair out of their room last weekend, and rearranged the cribs to get them away from the curtains. It took Griffin and Cooper a couple days to get used to the new arrangement! 

1 comment:

Jess H said...

Those hats are over-the-top cute!! I love the matching Wills, too. Thank you for making these three adorable babies that entertain my son non-stop. Ben invites them over everyday and asks when we get to to see them. I've seen one baby overwhelm him so he might implode with 3....or be in heaven. ;)

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