Trading in our jet-setting lifestyle of passports and airline miles for car seats and cribs!
Sunday, October 16, 2016
15 Months
Some updates on the boys at 15 months old:
Weight: 21.7 lbs
Height: 32 inches
Teeth: 7
Will, 15 months
Weight: 23.5 lbs
Height: 32 inches
Teeth: 10
Griffin, 15 months
Weight:22.4 lbs.
Height: 31 inches
Teeth: 8
Cooper, 15 months
The boys are now falling pretty squarely in the center of growth charts for babies their own age. They are certainly not in the 90th percentile for any measurements, but we're no longer not even on the curve, so that's exciting!
The 2 pound difference between Will and Griffin is especially noticeable. Griffin feels SO heavy these days!
We discovered the other day that Griffin has 2 top molars that have popped through!
Will is obsessed with glasses. Their swim instructor used to let him play with her sunglasses, and since then he LOVES all glasses. He'll tap the top of his head when he's talking about them (I think that's actually the sign for hat, but we get what he means). I've been wearing my glasses pretty regularly in the past week thanks to allergies and Will has been chatting with me about them non-stop. (And all 3 love to swat them off my face!)
I mentioned that they discovered stairs when we were at Cap and Greg's cottage in Michigan a few weeks ago. These days they are almost exclusively hiking upstairs themselves, which is pretty great for Mom and Dad! After meals or snacks, we'll let them walk over to the stairs and herd them up. They are pretty darn good climbers and can climb up the stairs quickly!
We recently hung their one year photos on the hallway wall outside their bedroom. We absolutely love how well the canvases turned out! We had originally intended to hang the photos in the nursery, but we somehow underestimated how large the prints were...there was no way that the pictures could safely hang on the wall and not be grabbed by tiny fingers. So we moved the shots to the hallway, and they look great! It's maybe a touch tight, but it looks great. Will did an excellent job of hanging and spacing everything! The boys go crazy over their photos every time they pass them. And they seem to be drawn to their own photo, which is pretty funny (and pretty adorable).
Love the new photo wall
We officially have climbers on our hands. Griffin and Will are especially good at climbing on to the couch. Unfortunately they haven't mastered how to get off of the couch safely yet. We're working on teaching them to roll onto their bellies and slide down. It's a slow learning process. Griffin, especially, loves to walk the plank and has zero concerns about safety. It's pretty nerve-wracking.
Climbing everything they can
We're starting to get glimpses into the toddler stage of life when it comes to their personalities. They don't like to be told "no", they aren't always the best at sharing, and they will flail around throwing a temper tantrum when they don't get their way. They've also been perfecting their pouty faces lately. They get so sad when we talk sternly to them- it's really, really hard to keep a straight face when they look at us with overly dramatic facial expressions.
Along with toddler life- we have had an issue with biting lately, particularly between Will and Griffin. They both bite out of frustration, and it tends to happen when they fight over the same toy. Those two are definitely the play hard, fight hard brothers. They are constantly at odds with each other, but yet they are always together. Cooper is our little Switzerland- he rarely gets caught up in the drama and will often just remove himself from the situation if he's not happy with how his brothers are acting. I wish Griffin and Will would do the same.
The picky eating continues. Some of their previous go-to favorites are not so popular anymore, depending on the day. They still love yogurt, any and all fruit, string cheese, sweet potatoes and butternut squash. Macaroni and cheese used to be a favorite but now is hit or miss. We recently introduced them to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches- that went over very well!
Their vocabulary and word understanding has exploded in the past couple weeks. They love, love, love books and being read to- favorite books lately are Where's My Nose, Little Blue Truck, Moo, Ba, La La La, Spookie Pookie, and Brown Bear, Brown Bear. They are also starting to follow simple instructions, like grabbing a particular book, or handing their brother something. We're working hard on the concept of sharing lately- some days they are more into the idea than others.
They recently met their dog cousin Gus, a big old goldendoodle. Griffin and Cooper thought he was the best- they couldn't stop laughing and trying to pet him. Will was far more cautious and didn't want to be anywhere near him, though he did let me help him pet him once. Ever since then, though, they've been very into dogs. They point them out in books and on our walks. And they are saying "dog" now (or something that sounds like it).
Some other words that they are saying lately: Mama, Dada, papa, ball, dog, hat, hi, bye, cat, and "trick or treat" (they don't actually say trick or treat, but will match the 3 syllables with their own language). Will is especially good at mimicking us. He will also say a variation of "snack pack" (another favorite food lately) and "watch"
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