Wednesday, April 19, 2017

21 Months Old

The boys, 21 months
 Some quick notes about the boys at 21 months old, days before they turn 22 months old:

  • Personalities are continuing to shine through. We have entered the stage where they actually have a preference and opinion about seemingly-trivial things. Like what color cup they want to drink out of during meals. Will is a master negotiator and can often convince one of his brothers to switch with him if he doesn't have the cup that he wants.
  • Trucks continue to be popular toys for all, especially Griffin. We have one pair of pajamas with a fire truck on the front that Will and Cooper constantly request to wear.
  • We're noticing more and more that Cooper and Will are developing quite a bond. Will has noted, especially this past week, that those two will pair up a lot during the day and play together while Griffin does his own thing. Admittedly, that somewhat hurts this mama's heart to think that Griffin is being left out. But in truth, he doesn't seem to mind his solo play time.
  • Will taught them how to do the "robot" yesterday. It is hilariously adorable to see them imitate their dad.
  • They love to be outside and will ask and sign to go "outside" over and over and over again. Taking them into the backyard is getting easier as they don't make a beeline for the edge of the patio. They love to explore the landscaping, search for golf balls in the yard (and usually we find at least one!), and say "hi" to the golfers that pass by. And in typical boy fashion, we search for bugs, play in dirt, and pick up and carry sticks around.
  • They recognize familiar faces and will often play roll call, pointing everyone out. Will is especially good at this. He knows Mama and Dada of course. He calls himself "Vill", Griffin is "Der" and Cooper is "Per". He also knows Papa, Nana, Sue, Cari, Avery ("A-eee"), Olivia ("LoooLooo"), Luke ("LUUUUU"), and he even surprised us on Easter by pulling out a "Pete!" Griffin and Cooper certainly know everyone too, but they spend most of their time asking for Mama, Dada, Sue, and A-Eeee. 
  • In addition to being good at naming people and negotiating the ideal cup to drink out of, Will is starting to step out of his shy-guy personality. He is still the most reserved of the trio when it comes to new places or meeting new people, but he's quicker to warm up these days. He is still a daddy's boy, though mama is starting to get some love here and there. Usually when we are walking somewhere, he'll prefer to hold my hand. He makes the best facial expressions lately. I'll have to try to get a video of it because it's hard to describe. Basically he looks at you a little sideways while pursing his lips together, almost like he's ready to reprimand you...then explodes into a fit of giggles. It's hilariously adorable.
  • Will, 21 months
    Will, 21 months
  • Cooper is our little lover of the group. He is quite the mama's boy, though Dada gets his fair share of love from him, too. He is the first one to run and greet me when I get home from work, and his immediate request is "Bup, pwease". He will whine to be held the whole time we're downstairs prepping dinner, and once we go upstairs to play for a bit before bed, he will settle in as close as possible to either Will or me. It's not enough to be beside us- he has to be physically touching us when he sits. He has started playing the "bye/hi" game with us. He'll walk away saying "bye bye!" then immediately turn around and run back to us and say, "oh, hi! Back!" Repeat over and over and over again.
    Cooper, 21 months
  • Cooper, 21 months
  • As I mentioned above, Griffin is extremely into trucks and will spend quite a bit of time independently playing with them. He's still a lover of soft things and sleeps with at least 2 stuffed animals and his blanket, often more items. He'd love to sleep with a truck if we let him! In the past couple weeks we've been lining his stuffed animals up on the edge of his crib during bedtime routine. He then goes down the line, brushing each of their teeth. It's pretty cute.
  • Griffin, 21 months
    Griffin, 21 months
  •  They love books and will happily sit with you and read 5 or 6 books in a row. Generally all 3 will clamor to sit in your lap on the floor. They can't sit next to you while you read- they must be sitting in your lap. It's becoming somewhat challenging to do that since they're growing so quickly, but we make it happen most days. Fortunately we have most of their books memorized so I don't need to actually see the pages!
  • Book time with Lou Lou

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