Tuesday, July 21, 2015

One Month Olds!

Our babies are a month old today!! Whoa! It's still so strange to think that technically they shouldn't even be born yet, but they are all thriving here at home!

Some updates on each baby:

Will is, for the most part, a laid back little guy. He gets fussy when he's hungry, but other than that he's pretty content most of the time. He is our big eater- we never have to worry about whether he will finish his bottle or not. He is not a fan of being burped before his bottle is done and will try like crazy to move his head back to the bottle until we put it back in his mouth. He is also the one we have to be most wary of during diaper changes. If you don't move fast enough, you'll be cleaning up more than just his diaper!  He tolerates tummy time but doesn't love it. Daddy watched Will roll over from his stomach to his back during tummy time yesterday! He likes to shuffle around in his crib, too. We will put him down in the middle of his crib, and when we go back to check on him, he'll be toward the bottom.


Griffin is our mover- he is constantly waving his arms and legs around. We love watching him in his crib from our Drop cam- it looks like he's directing traffic or conducting a symphony. He is a very slow eater. He always finishes his bottle, but he takes at least twice as long as his brothers. Luckily he's a patient, relaxed baby because his slow bottle feeds means he's often the last to eat during feeding time. He doesn't get upset too often...but when he's mad- watch out! He has a set of pipes on him! His cry is very gravelly sounding with high-pitched squeals interspersed. Even though he doesn't cry very often, we hear Griffin a lot as he is often grunting. Griffin is the laziest about tummy time. He quickly learned that he can sleep comfortably on his tummy, and has no problem dozing while his brothers squirm. He's our little Pig Pen- his face is ALWAYS dirty, even within minutes after bath time. And he's our night owl who usually is wide awake beginning around 10:00 pm.


Our little mini Cooper has arguably the largest personality of the group so far. He is not shy about letting us know when he is unhappy. Unfortunately he's most often unhappy between the hours of 10:00 pm and 5:00 am, which means we spend a lot of the overnight hours trying to get him to sleep. He's completely content as long as he's being held...which has led Will to start calling him Coddled Cooper. He is a great eater, and has recently started being more vocal during his feeds, just like his brothers. Cooper seems to have the hardest time digesting his meals- he spits up a lot and you can tell when he's having gas pain from his uncomfortable cries. We have him on gas drops with each feeding to try and help work some of those issues out. He continues to be the best at tummy time, even if he's often mad that we're making him do it. He doesn't quite grunt in the same way that Griffin does, but he makes lots of little squeaks while he's hanging out in his crib.

At one month old, we are:
  • Feeding them about every 3 hours- sometimes they go longer between feeds, sometimes they go shorter. Will and Griffin take 80 mLs at each feed, while Cooper takes between 70 and 75 mLs...so roughly 2 1/2 ounces per baby per feed.
  • Pumping every 3-5 hours, depending on the time of day. I'm pumping on average about double what we need for each feeding, so we're building up quite a stockpile of frozen milk for when I return to work.
  • Going through one canister of formula a week. We are supplementing my breast milk with formula for 2 feedings a day to help the boys get additional nutrients and calories.
  • Attempting to breastfeed all three of them at least once a day
  • Going through roughly 30 diapers a day and a pack of wipes every couple days
  • Bathing them twice a week
  • Doing at least one load of laundry a day. Fortunately we have a large capacity washing machine and baby clothes are small so we can fit a lot in one load!
  • Trying to do tummy time every day
  • Loving our time with these cuties!


Molly said...

Love it! Especially the fun (maybe not so fun for you) facts about how many diapers per day, etc. Crazy! You guys seem to just be handling this all so well. Such an organized team you are! Hopefully Coop-a-Loop soon finds out how glorious sleep is so you can get some, too :)

Jess H said...

Crazy to think how quickly they won't all fit on that chair with that bear. You guys make this look SO easy it boggles my mind and we're all so blessed that you're capturing it all on the blog. I adore that they have different little personalities. I know it was so easy with one, but keeping Ben awake more in the afternoon/evening (though there were lots of tears from both of us) starting at about 8 weeks was the trick to night-time sleep. It will be so fun to see if Cooper is long the night-owl of the crew.

Unknown said...

I love these photos! I'm not too far away if you guys ever need a break...I'm reasonably qualified!! ;)
Oh, and I promise I didn't keep them awake all night partying turning them into night owls!!

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