Saturday, May 21, 2016

11 Months Old!!

I truly can't believe we have three 11 month old babies today! What a fun age this is...x3!

Will's face cracks me up- he is so expressive!


Our sweet little Will is getting braver and braver. Normally Mr. Cautious, he is usually not the first to try new things. But this guy was the first to venture on to the grass while we were playing outside one evening! And now he knows that grass isn't so scary. Exciting to see him take a brave step, but also terrible because now there's no keeping him contained to the sheet when we are outside! He finally has one little tooth that popped up- a crooked, off-center, adorable bottom tooth that he loves to show off with his new crinkle face smile. He's just starting to try and stand on his own, but really hasn't shown the same interest in doing it as Cooper and Griffin have. He will eat pretty much any food we offer him, although he'll make some funny faces if he's not a fan of the taste! Will is our slow, deliberate eater whereas the other two just shovel as much as they can in their mouths at once. Because of this he often loses a good bit of food from his plate! He has become harder to put down for naps and bedtime. He cries a heart-breakingly sad cry as soon as we get close to his crib and he realizes he's going to be put down.  Thankfully the crying is usually short-lived, but I feel terrible putting him down when he's so upset! He thinks it's hilarious when we hiss at him like a snake, or say "psst" like we're telling him a secret. He's still wearing mainly 9 month clothing. Like his brothers, his new favorite pastime is throwing all their toys out of the play pen. It's an adorably frustrating game we play everyday. He can still sign for milk and we're working on getting him to clap and wave. He can crawl on all fours, but still prefers to army crawl most places. 
Snuggles with Daddy

I love his smile!

Slow and steady eater


Griffin has two volumes lately- loud and louder. He loves to yell! All our boys have become quite squirmy on the changing table, but Griffin is by far the worst. Changing his diaper or getting him dressed is like trying to dress a worm. He wriggles around so much! He's still mainly in 9 month clothes but  is definitely ready to move on to some 12 month clothing, particularly sleepers. Little chunky monkey is just in an awkward in-between sizes phase- he looks like a stuffed sausage in most 9 month sleepers, but the 12 month ones are huge! He loves balls and it seems like he enjoys playing catch with us...or I guess fetch is the better word to use. He'll throw the ball over the play pen, we'll retrieve it, and the game starts over again. Griffin is slowly getting the hang of standing on his own and can balance himself for a few seconds at a time. He loves to eat, but will usually clear out his favorite food on the plate first before moving on to the "bad" stuff. And he is the messiest eater in the group- his pigpen nickname is still proving accurate. He has four teeth now- 2 on bottom that you can see all the time, and 2 on top that you'd never know we're there unless you look for them. He is a very quick crawler and can really move when we let them roam around the bonus room! We're teaching the boys to "shake it off" when they fall down, and Griffin is usually pretty good about shaking his whole body when directed to. He still loves to dances, and is learning to clap and wave as well.

Taking over Cooper's favorite spot for a bit

Favorite hobby: opening drawers 

He still has a lot of food on his plate because he steals his brothers' food first


Cooper is full-on standing these days, for longer and longer stretches at a time. It's still strange to look up and see him just standing in the middle of the play pen! He is our best "talker" and can say several words now: Mama, Dada, "bottle" (baba), and "all done" (dah dunnnnn). We wonder sometimes if he has Mama and Dada mixed up as he often babbles Mama when Will is around and Dada when I'm nearby. He has 4 teeth- 2 up top and 2 on the bottom and loves to flash his top teeth when he gives us smiles. He is a great eater and often is the first baby to finish his meals, which leads to lots of whining for more food. And he'll happily eat anything we put in front of him- no finickiness from him yet!. I think he has a hollow leg because he loves to eat, but is still wearing 6 month clothes, though we've also been moving him into some 9 month outfits, too. His reflux has kicked back in lately, so we have him back on zantac for the moment. He is always, always, always on the move and still loves to "bouncy bouncy" in his johnny jumper and exersaucer. He is also crawling on all fours with ease these days. 

Oh hi, I stand on my own now!

Clean plate club, every time

At 11 months we:
  • Can all drink out of cups with straws
  • Love to throw out toys out of our play pen
  • Have, on average, 3 bottles a day- 24 oz each. We are starting to try and transition them out of the rock-n-plays for bottles so they can learn to drink sitting up.
  • Eat solid meals twice a day- favorite foods right now are graham crackers, string cheese, butternut squash, and any and all fruit
  • Steal food off each other's plates, even though the exact same food is sitting right in front of us
  • Are starting to interact and play/entertain with each other in their cribs and when they're all together 
  • Love bath time, and are starting to want to play more in the tub (including flipping onto their bellies instead of happily splashing on their backs)
  • Have some separation anxiety when mom or dad leave the room- lots of dramatic tears
  • Can pull up on everything and can scale the playpen walls easily
  • Recently dropped a pump so I'm down to 3 times a day, but am trying to drop another one soon- lots of dramatic tears from mama these days, too!

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