Monday, May 23, 2016

Garage Sale

Our neighborhood had their annual garage sale on Saturday and we participated for the second year in a row. The garage sale happened to fall on the same day that Will, Pete, and Curtis finally got to cash in their Christmas present so while Will and the guys were at the Corvette race track in Bowling Green doing this:

The boys and I were at home selling all our junk. I enlisted Cari to help with the sale and also invited my friend from work, Chloe and her husband AJ to come and help wrangle the babies and sell some of their stuff, too. We had perfect weather for a garage sale- it wasn't hot and it stayed overcast for most of the day which meant that the boys were able to spend the majority of the day outside with us. We didn't make a whole lot of money but we got rid of a whole lot of stuff so I'd call it a success! 

1 comment:

Jess H said...

That hoodie pic is TOO adorable! Glad you guys had a nice day outside. Garage sales never seem to be super lucrative but getting rid of junk and spending a day outside make it all worthwhile.;)

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