Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Cooper Talks

While the "R" has always been missing when he pronounces "truck", Cooper has recently replaced the "T" to an "F". The result is hilarious (to us). The boys' favorite word right now is truck, so we hear this quite a bit these days.

I tried to capture it on video tonight- we are talking about dump trucks and tanker trucks- his 2 favorite.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Preds Fever

The Predators are going to the Stanley Cup Finals! Preds Fever has hit the Mason household- the boys are getting pretty good at showing their "fang fingers" and watching "puck" on TV. They look so dang cute in their little Pekka Rinne jerseys! 

Capturing Griffin going in for a hug

These boys love their sticks

Mini Rinnes

Watching some golf tournament action (From a safe zone)

Even when we're in our PJs, we show our Preds Pride!

I think golf is going to be Will's game

Toothbrushes, check.

Baby bear, check.

Little Blue Truck, check. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Crib Issues

The boys have discovered a favorite new spot for playing in the bonus room. They love to play on the couch where cushions once were. We had our first crib escape last weekend. Terrifying!! The boys are still having some large overnight diapers that require morning baths, so I was getting Will dressed in their room while Will had Cooper in the bonus room and Griffin was in his crib. I had my back to Griffin while I got Will changed into clothes at the changing table and all of a sudden, I heard a very loud thud followed by a very loud scream from Griffin. I turned around and found Griffin laid out on his back next to his crib. I didn't see it happen, but he must have toppled head first over the crib bars. Will came running in and, though my first instinct was to run and sweep him up into my arms, warned me to not pick him up until he moved on his own. We had no idea how he fell out exactly, but I shudder to think about how badly he could have been hurt if he had landed on his head or neck. Scary, scary stuff.

Fortunately the fall has seemed to scare Griffin as much as it did us, because he hasn't attempted another escape since then. Just in case, though- we have added some padding around their cribs! And now the boys are having fun driving their cars up and down the couch frame. I fear that toddler bed days are in our very near future...but I am not looking forward to that new milestone!


New set up
New set up

They love to play on the cushions in their room, too!

Moose Pajamas

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Growing Boys

I pulled out the boys' premie clothes last night so Cari could pass them onto another mom who is expecting twins soon. Being the sentimental sucker that I am, I couldn't pass up a chance to do a comparison shot. It's truly hard to believe that the boys were ever this tiny! 

So cooperative

Happy Griffin

And here's Cooper, showing off his new personality. This kid has entered the terrible two's at the ripe age of 22 months. 

New Blog Location!

I realized today that I never posted a link to my new website. I’ve decided to try out a new, easier to find website and am now blogging ove...