Sunday, August 30, 2015

Date Night!

Will and I had our first evening away from the boys last night! We have a tradition of meeting up with a group of friends once a month to try out a new (to us) restaurant. The last group dinner we participated in was back in May when the gang graciously offered to come out to our place and grill since I was rather large and uncomfortable at that time. We were anxious to get this group dinner date back up and running ASAP after the boys were born, and we are fortunate to have family nearby who were more than happy to babysit the boys for us while we enjoyed our nice evening out. We had sushi, my first time in about a year to eat it. It was soooo delicious! Definitely glad to be able to eat what I want again!

Will's sisters Cari and Sue watched the boys for us. Sue has three kids of her own and she brought along her youngest, Avery, to help out, too. The boys haven't met any of their cousins yet as we were being overly cautious about having them around kids. But we decided that Avery was healthy and the boys are now old enough to meet some people closer to their own age. Just a couple more weeks until they get their shots and we can start taking them out in public! At any rate, Avery was so, so excited to finally meet her cousins and, as I understand it, was extremely helpful to have around last night!
Avery and Cooper

Avery and Will

Cari and Griffin

Sue and Cooper

We came home to three sleepy babies who spent zero time in their cribs as they had all pretty much been held for 6 hours straight (that won't spoil them at all!) and only minimal damage done to the nursery thanks to what we hear was a particularly gigantic blow out from Will. I won't go into details, but the cleanup included a new changing pad cover, spot-cleaning our glider, carpet cleaner and lots of disinfectant wipes. So needless to say we were happy to have skipped that diaper change!

It felt really great to get out and do a non-baby thing with Will and to have adult conversation that didn't totally revolve around babies and their schedules. We're thankful to have family ready and willing to give us a break when we need one! I was very happy to come home to my babies, though!!!

And as a side note- apparently sushi is super food for producing breast milk. I pumped my normal amount right when we got home (around 16 oz) just before the boys' midnight feeding. I woke up at 4:00 am to pump again and pumped enough for the boys next bottles (14 oz)-

PLUS an extra 11 oz, for good measure-

25 ounces in one pump- a new record! Holy moly. Might as well be a dairy cow!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Having a Moment

This. Damn. Machine.

The bane of my existence today
I will NOT miss pumping at all. I'm totally having a moment today of self pity, and it's not pretty. And I know it's not pretty, but I don't so much care at the moment. I loathe being attached to this piece of machinery all day and night. Despise it. For whatever reason I absolutely hate having to pump today, to the point of being in tears at the thought of having to hook up again. If it was socially acceptable for me to flail about and scream to get out of pumping I would do it. I feel the same way about pumping as Griffin does about losing his pacifier. Not having it. Here's his reaction if that pacifier falls out of his mouth: 

I 100% understand the sentiment, buddy. As a matter of fact, I brought him in bed with me while I am pumping right now so we could commiserate together. 

I love that my body is providing nourishment for 3 babies and am so grateful and thankful that I'm producing enough milk so that we're solely relying on breast milk for the boys. Unfortunately that doesn't always make me feel warm and mushy about pumping. I wish we could just have nursing sessions like a "normal" mother/baby relationship where I could nurse them all on demand and never have to worry about losing my milk supply. But with triplets, that's just not the case. For one thing, there's not enough time to nurse all three of them at each feeding session. I would be nursing around the clock if that were the case. And that's not a healthy alternative, either. But the reality is, even if I nurse the boys, I still need to pump afterward to make sure my body knows to keep producing milk, so nursing isn't saving me from the dreaded machine. 

There's a lot of fear in this whole sole-provider-of-nourishment thing. I'm petrified of missing a pump session, or going too long between sessions and having my milk supply diminish. I have already dropped from 8 to 6 pump sessions a day as the boys have increased the time they go between feeds and so I worry about what skipping a pumping session would do to my supply. Not that I could skip a session even if I wanted to- my body certainly sends signals that won't allow me to make it too long before needing to hook up to the pump.

Most days I can tolerate it and understand that pumping comes with the territory when you're raising triplets. Today, though, is not one of those days. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Two Months Old!




Our babies are two months old today! I can't believe how quickly they're growing and changing everyday. Here's a quick update on how everyone is doing:

Will continues to be a great eater and his efforts are paying off- he's our biggest guy right now. At their last weight check he was 8 lbs.,13 oz., so he is surely over 9 pounds by now! Newborn clothes are getting tight, but 0 to 3 months sizes are still pretty large on him (for now) so we're at that strange in between for the time being. His head has noticeably changed shape and is now quite round. He is still rolling over from front to back which has made tummy time harder to do. If he doesn't feel like participating he'll simply roll over. He recently has become very interested in the mobiles that hang in the pack and play and on their activity mat- he will follow them with his eyes and deliberately bat at them with his hands. Seeing this we decided to go out and buy mobiles for their cribs so they could keep themselves entertained during those awake moments while they're waiting for their turn to eat. Ironically, he hasn't seemed at all interested in the one hanging over his head and instead likes to stare at the blank wall.

Will is able to keep his head upright for longer stretches at a time and is arguably our happiest baby these days. He often has smiles for us, especially around when it's time to eat. He gets very excited for meals and often "pants" in anticipation of getting his bottle, like a little puppy. He has a temper on him, though! Mainly when he's hungry- he does not appreciate having to wait and gets especially ticked when he is the third/last baby to eat! Will has longer and longer stretches of being awake and alert, but he seems to be more of a daytime baby. He's often wide awake after our 8 am feeding, so we are trying to stay awake and have them out of their cribs during that time. He doesn't have a very good poker face and we are starting to recognize that a certain face he makes while we're changing his diaper surely means that he is about ready to take care of some business. It, naturally, is a hilarious face and keeps us on our toes during his diaper changes!

Wide awake early in the morning!

Note to future babysitters: if you see this face, you better make sure you have a diaper ready to go!

Horsing around with Griffin
Love his long lashes!

Experimenting with new looks- maybe he's a hat guy

Griffin is still pretty easy going, but more and more we're seeing a little bit of a feisty personality coming out! He's just behind Will in weight- he was 8 lbs., 11 oz. at their last weight check, so we're pretty sure he's also over 9 lbs. by now. He seems to be filling out faster than his brothers- we're seeing more and more of those delicious little baby rolls on him everyday! Hello thunder thighs!!! He's still in Newborn sizes for now, too, but like his brother outfits are starting to get pretty tight. He is a much faster eater these days, which we are grateful for! We call Griffin the most active lazy baby ever because he LOVES to sleep but is also constantly moving, even while he's dozing. He's always kicking his legs and moving his arms around, whether in his crib or on the ground. It's like he's still getting used to the fact that he can spread out and not run into one of his brothers! He often sleeps with his arms straight out to his sides.

Griffin enjoys his pacifier and boy does he get M-A-D if it falls out of his mouth and he can't reach it! That's probably the one thing that will really set him off. When he gets going with the loud cries, we call him Griffinagan, his monster alter-ego! He is still often the last to eat simply because he is relaxed and is generally content to lay in his crib (as long as that pacifier stays put!) until it's his turn to eat. He can also roll over from front to back, but he doesn't do it as often as Will. Like Will, he's getting better and better about holding his head up for longer stretches at a time. Griffin loves to sleep on his stomach so when we go for tummy time he will usually just settle in and nap on the activity mat. He's our night owl and is typically most alert after their 8:00 pm bottle, so he gets extra late evening attention from us these days. He is our grunting baby- we don't hear a lot of coos from him, but he will grunt and grunt and grunt all day long.

Wide awake late at night (and notice the blur of his right arm- always moving!)
His favorite sleeping position

Working on getting him to take this type of pacifier- a very slow process!

Relaxing after a big dinner

As I have mentioned before, Cooper has reflux issues which have caused him to fall behind his brothers in the weight arena. At his last check in he was 7 lbs., 8 oz.- gaining weight, but not at the same rate as his brothers. Part of this issue was that he threw up a lot with each feed. He is a great eater and always happily takes his bottle, but he would often throw quite a bit of it back up. Starting last Friday we began adding a tablespoon of rice cereal to his bottles to thicken up the milk and hopefully help little man keep more down. That seemed to do the trick! Since we've implemented the rice cereal regime he has kept more and more of his meals in his belly and seems much more content. Speaking of bellies, Cooper has developed an umbilical hernia, which causes his belly button to protrude out in a not-so-attractive way. We had the pediatrician look it over and are happy to report that it's nothing to worry about and something he will likely outgrow over the next couple years. Griffin also has an umbilical hernia, though to a lesser degree. The good news is that it doesn't bother either boy for now. We'll just keep an eye on them for awhile. He's still fitting into Newborn clothes perfectly, and my guess is he will stay in them longer than his brothers.

Cooper is pretty smiley these days, too, especially after he eats and is in a milk coma. Because of his reflux issues he gets a bit more one-on-one time with mom and dad after he eats and he will lock eyes and give you lots of his adorable lopsided smiles. I've been feeding Cooper the majority of the time now since for whatever reason he doesn't spit up as much when I give him his bottle. Lately he has been finding his voice and we'll hear him scream and yell as he tries out sounds. He is having longer and longer stretches of times during the day when he's awake and alert, but he doesn't seem to have a preferred time of day like his brothers. We're still working on tummy time with him- he's not rolling over yet, but he's a mover in his bed now! It's not uncommon for him to rotate 90 degrees in his crib while he sleeps. Cooper is most content when he's near Mom and Dad. We don't even have to be holding him- he just prefers to be close to us. For that reason he probably spends a bit more time downstairs than his brothers do. He'll happily doze in a rock and play while Will and I take care of chores downstairs.

His new favorite way to sleep in his crib

Cooper's newest accessory- a bib during bottle time
Poor buddy spends a lot of time in this position- ready for spit up at any second

Lot and lots of time in this position

As for Will and me, we are continuing to get more and more comfortable in our roles as Mom and Dad.  I think our parenting styles are similar enough that we compliment each other well, and we've done a good job of talking through things when our opinions don't match up. Most of the time we're on the same page, though, which is helpful. Especially when we're spending Every. Waking. Moment together! (And we're awake for a lot of moments these days!) We realized the other night that the past two months we've been together non-stop, with the exception of a couple rounds of golf for Will and various errands when one of us makes a quick run outside of the house. By far the most amount of time we've been together in our 8+ year relationship- it's a good thing we like each other! Being together this much on little sleep naturally leads to some shortened tempers, but overall we're a great team and very lucky that we are both able to have this time at home together to bond with the boys.

Speaking of bonding, I'm really enjoying watching Will's relationship with the boys develop. As they continue to grow and show more of their personalities, Will has become more and more comfortable with them. He has admitted that the first few weeks were tough for him when he felt like all he did was constantly change diapers, feed, burp, and repeat. And although that's still our routine for the most part, the fact that the boys are more alert and interactive makes it easier for Will to bond with them. It cracks me up to see Will, who so often claimed to not be a baby person, love on his own babies. He even has a term for how he cuddles them- "smuggles" (smothered in snuggles). Whereas I'm mostly business during care time and try to feed the babies as efficiently as possible so I can pump, Will will "smuggle" every boy for a few minutes before he gives them their bottle. It's pretty adorable to watch, and the boys seem to enjoy Dad's scratchy beard kisses!

At two months, we are:

  • Feeding the boys 6 bottles a day, and going between 4-5 hours between feeds. Will and Griffin are both taking 4 1/2 oz. per feed while Cooper is taking 4 oz. bottles with the rice cereal mixed in.
  • Pumping 6 times a day, either before or after each feed for the boys, depending on whether or not I nurse them first.
  • Nursing each boy at least once a day, sometimes twice if I'm feeling ambitious (and prepared to spend a LOT of time sitting in a chair with a baby attached to me!)
  • No longer supplementing with formula- they are all strictly taking breast milk bottles or nursing
  • Still working through about 30 diapers/day and a pack of wipes every day or two
  • Getting baths every 2-3 days. We will likely be increasing to baths every other day soon as they are starting to get stinkier faster!
  • Continuing to do at least one load of laundry a day- we're going through a lot more burp cloths and outfits these days as the boys are spitting up more with each feed.
  • Spending more time with them in the bonus room and outside of the nursery as we try to establish set nap/sleep schedules for them in their cribs.
  • Taking them on walks in the evening as often as the weather allows

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Lazy Saturday Morning

This morning we made a grand decision to skip our morning nap (when we typically get our longest stretch of uninterrupted sleep) and instead got up and made a real breakfast of eggs, bacon, and biscuits. Our "pre-babies" Saturday morning routine always involved making a big breakfast and slowly getting the day going so it was nice to get a little piece of the old "us" back. The boys are apparently just as susceptible to lazy, rainy Saturdays as their parents are because they've been content to chill in their respective pack and plays and rock and plays all morning while we cooked and sat down for a bit, uninterrupted. 

It felt so great to be in the kitchen doing something other than washing bottles or heating up a quick meal in the microwave! So great, in fact, that I wanted to keep the party going and whipped up a batch of chocolate chip cookies. 

Granted, we're pretty tired now and will likely nap this afternoon. But sometimes it's good for us to power through our exhaustion and do some normal activities that don't involve changing, feeding, or rocking babies. But as it is, it's time to go change, feed, and rock our babies! 

Friday, August 14, 2015

3 Peas in a Pod

Will took advantage of a semi-decent night of sleep and went golfing today, and I played dress-up with the boys!  My parents sent us this adorable pea pod outfit that one of my mom's friends made, so I spent this morning trying to channel my inner Anne Geddes. It is NOT EASY trying to get three babies to hold still!!!

Here's the progression to show how our morning photo shoot went:
Will was not interested in all 
Looks like they're all trying to escape! And Will is apparently hungry.

Getting better...

Pretty cute, even with Cooper's pacifier. Had I taken that out of his mouth, game over!

Griffin and Cooper were on board to help Mama out...

Meanwhile, Will was pouting.
 A quick video of our efforts, pre-bottles:

Then, I decided to bite the bullet and feed them a bit earlier than scheduled. That was the key to perfectly moldable, milk-drunk baby boys! (Thanks, Jess, for the tip!!)

Post Bottle:

Griffin is the easiest to maneuver so he went in to the pod first

So precious!

Love, love, love

Probably my favorite shot of the day!


Love these precious boys!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Spotted on Our Walk Today

A mama deer and her two babies out on a walk while I walked two of my babies! 

(Cooper stayed home with Dad tonight- poor baby has been dealing with reflux so we figured it was best to let him chill for a bit instead of jostling him around in the stroller.)

Monday, August 10, 2015

What We've Been Up To...

  • Lots of dress up days while we try to get the boys into all of their newborn outfits before they outgrow them! So many cute outfits, so little time to wear them all. And unfortunately so few places to wear them to until they get their shots next month. Today's look was preppy- The boys are almost ready to hit the links with Daddy! They've got the outfits down. Now we just wait a few years to get to step 2- lessons!

Not sure why they always face the same way when I take group shots...there's nothing that direction for them to be trying to see.

I just love Griffin's little smile in this one!

  • Trying out new toys: the mamaroo swing, pack and plays, activity gym, and rock and plays!

Cooper trying out the Mamaroo

Will and Cooper sharing one of the pack and plays

Griffin getting the rocker to himself

Activity Gym fun/napping

We LOVE the Rock and Plays

  • Trying out the boppy to help prop them up. I can't get over how big they are starting to look!

The socks are a good addition to the outfit, no?

Cooper looks HUGE in this picture!!!

  • Tummy time! They're getting better and better at it, though they still aren't very excited to do it!

Poor Will was really not happy, and his parents just sat and let him cry...

  • Taking their first "selfie" while I attempted to hold all three of them at once...not very successfully! There's just not quite enough room for all three to snuggle in comfortably. 

  • But we get lots of one-on-one snuggles in, too!



  • And we're trying hard to catch those sweet first smiles on camera- very tricky!

Oh how I love Cooper's little lopsided smile

Griffin's smiles are few and far between...he's too busy grunting

Will generally will give us smiles when he knows it's time to eat.

New Blog Location!

I realized today that I never posted a link to my new website. I’ve decided to try out a new, easier to find website and am now blogging ove...