Saturday, August 15, 2015

Lazy Saturday Morning

This morning we made a grand decision to skip our morning nap (when we typically get our longest stretch of uninterrupted sleep) and instead got up and made a real breakfast of eggs, bacon, and biscuits. Our "pre-babies" Saturday morning routine always involved making a big breakfast and slowly getting the day going so it was nice to get a little piece of the old "us" back. The boys are apparently just as susceptible to lazy, rainy Saturdays as their parents are because they've been content to chill in their respective pack and plays and rock and plays all morning while we cooked and sat down for a bit, uninterrupted. 

It felt so great to be in the kitchen doing something other than washing bottles or heating up a quick meal in the microwave! So great, in fact, that I wanted to keep the party going and whipped up a batch of chocolate chip cookies. 

Granted, we're pretty tired now and will likely nap this afternoon. But sometimes it's good for us to power through our exhaustion and do some normal activities that don't involve changing, feeding, or rocking babies. But as it is, it's time to go change, feed, and rock our babies! 


Molly said...

You're a rockstar! Being in the kitchen always grounds me and brings me peace. Glad you had such a great day! xx

Jess H said...

Just when I think you guys couldn't amaze us all anymore.....voila! Magic productivity with 3 babies!! You guys are incredible and I'm glad you got a little breath of life as it used to be (and will be again.;)

New Blog Location!

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