Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Goodbye VUMC

My 2nd home for almost 7 years

Today was my last day at VUMC. Wow, I wonder when it will start to feel real. Will and I decided a couple months ago that the time was right for me to join them at home for a bit. Will has done a phenomenal job as stay-at-home dad, but he has been feeling more and more cooped up as the boys grow, and we agreed that they need to be able to get out and about more. In truth, this has always been my goal- I've wanted to be a stay-at-home mom for as long as I can remember. I know the decision we made is the right one for my family at this time. But it sure didn't make saying goodbye to my amazing coworkers any easier.

Instead of trying to explain my feelings, I'll just share the final email that I sent out this afternoon:


I am terrible at saying goodbyes. I cry at commercials, anything to do with babies, and all those little Facebook videos about do-gooders in the world, so you can only imagine how bad I am at saying goodbye to a group of people that have come to mean so much to me. Oh wait, if you were at my party yesterday, you DID see how bad I am at it!

What I wasn’t able to eloquently say yesterday, I’ll try to say now. It will probably take a few lines to get this all out- bear with me. :)

Back in 2010 I was new(ish) to Nashville, needed a job, and thought it would be great if I could work at Vanderbilt because it has a reputable name and would look good on my resume. I had never worked in development and literally stumbled into this world as I tried to get my foot into Vanderbilt’s door. I don’t know why, but Rhonda took a liking to me early on and continually pushed to get me in the office (thank you Rhonda!!).  It took 3 tries over several months to find a position for me, but I was matched up with Eric and his grateful patient program, and what a match that proved to be (thank you Eric!!)! I am so proud of the program that Eric has created, and grateful (see what I did there?) that I was able to help play a role in building it up to where it is today.

What I have come to know during my time here is that yes, Vanderbilt is a great name to have on your resume. But more than that, Vanderbilt is great because of the people who work here. I am constantly amazed at just how wonderful this little development team is. We truly do work with some of the most generous, caring, and selfless people I have ever known. It was so difficult to leave my babies when I returned to work in October, 2015. But the blow was softened by the love and support I felt from my colleagues who have become some of my closest friends.

I never expected that my life would look like it does now. I have done some growing up in this office during my 6.75 year tenure! During my time here I became a first-time homeowner, a wife, a 2nd time homeowner, and a mother (x3). So many of you were part of these milestones in big and small ways, and for that I’ll always be grateful.

Yesterday’s sendoff party was amazing. I felt very loved and still tear up thinking about how much I’ll miss this place, and most importantly, all of you.

While I know in my heart that I am making the best decision for our family, it certainly doesn’t make saying goodbye today any easier. Vanderbilt is forever a part of my family, both personally and professionally. I would love to stay in touch with you all- I’m sure I’ll need some adult interaction from time-to-time! Please don’t be a stranger- we’ll still be (relatively) nearby in Gallatin, and love visitors!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for being the best group of colleagues a girl could ever hope for!

Lots of love,

Twinning with Allison

Even the boys spent quite a bit of time at my office!

Returning to work

These decorations stayed up until my very last day in the office. I loved seeing the boys' pictures all around me!

Office visit

Baby Will!

Baby Cooper!

Cindy and Shara



Ali (who now has a little one of her own!)
PACE Team (plus baby Mac)

Our boys grew up at the office, too!




Lots more twinning

Safta Allison

Laura, Kate, Adele


Chloe and Dawn

Preds Pride day at the office

Like family now!

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