Monday, December 21, 2015

6 Months Old!!!

6 months. A whole 1/2 year has passed. WOW! Time sure does fly, and it seems to go even faster when you're a parent. I can't believe how quickly our baby boys are growing and changing!

I love their faces in this pic- "We're HOW OLD?!?!"
"6 months?! Wow, that's a lot"
Better just eat your arm to cope
The bear had to go for the group shot- they're just too big now for everyone to fit!
So happy!
The 3 best friends that anyone could have
There's been a lot of firsts for our guys this month- all three have hit the same development milestones within days of each other. Griffin was the first to roll from his back to his stomach, but Will and Cooper weren't too far behind him! Tummy time isn't quite as effective these days as they can flip over if they don't feel like participating! As I posted earlier, all three boys are holding their own bottles during feeds. We still have to actively watch them to be sure the bottles are properly positioned, but wow, it makes such a difference having them feed themselves! Feeding them is far less stressful, especially when Will or I are doing it alone. 

Their head and neck control is great these days, and we've been able to introduce them to some new toys- a doorway jumper and an exersaucer. They LOVE both toys and will happily entertain themselves- just for short bits of time right now, but it seems that they can handle longer stints each day. They all especially love spinning and jumping in the doorway jumper. Everyone is chewing on anything they can get their hands on- their favorite items right now to attack are these little chew animals that Sue got them, teething rings, their Sophies, and each other. It's so fun to see them "play" together. Lots of hand holding, grabbing, chewing, biting, etc...

We're working on getting them to sit up unassisted. Currently they can balance for about 2 seconds on their own before toppling over. But we're practicing a lot and they're getting closer to having it down!They are all super ticklish these days, especially Will and Griffin. Daddy can really get them to squirm and knows exactly where he can tickle each one and get a laugh. We aren't reading books with them as often as I would like, but they do seem to enjoy looking at books with us. I keep saying we're going to get into a better bedtime routine where we read books before their last bottle of the night, but time always seems to get in the way. My goal is to get better about reading over the coming months, especially as we try to instill bedtime routines with them.

Everyone continues to love bath time. I'm bathing them one at a time for now and will let each baby practice floating on their backs in the water when we're done washing. They all seem comfortable floating on their backs and enjoy kicking and splashing their feet. All three are starting to show interest in watching Will and me while we eat. They have their 6 month check up with the pediatrician next week and we're hopeful that they'll get the all-clear to start on solids.


Such a happy guy!
Loves to laugh at Daddy

Love his big blue eyes!
I'm 6 months old!

Will is still super vocal and talks to us all the time. He's not great at using his "indoor" voice- he loves to yell! The louder he can make his voice the more he seems to love it. I think he may be our first baby to cut a tooth. He is drooling up a storm lately, and our normally happy easy-going little guy has been a bit fussier than usual in the past week. No signs of teeth yet, but it wouldn't surprise me if they show up soon! He loves to put all that extra drool to good use and blows raspberries all the time. He's our little golden boy with blond locks and blue eyes- his eyes right now are the prettiest blue and I hope they stay that way! His smile lights up his whole face and when he laughs he almost sounds like he's panting. It's adorable. He is trying hard to sit up every time we put him in his rock-n-play to eat. Poor little guy has had a some trouble adjusting to new spaces lately. We took them to my office last week for a visit and Will had a couple melt-downs. I think he gets easily overwhelmed and in general prefers to be in the comfort of his own home. Thankfully he's not that way all the time, so we're sure to give him a little TLC when he's upset and he's back to his happy self in no time!

Golden Oreo
Nugget #1

Funny faces
Totally chill- he always looks relaxed like he's lounging!
That bear is funny!
I love his facial expressions lately!

Happy 1/2 birthday baby boy!
Griffin's eyebrows continue to be his defining characteristic when we're out and about- they draw people in and folks can't help but comment! He's beginning to talk to us more and more, especially when he's eating his bottle. He seems to enjoy chatting with his mouth full. Griffin has been making some of the funniest facial expressions lately, too! He loves to stick his tongue out, and both he and Cooper do this thing where they hide their lower lip, almost like they're trying to eat it. It's funny to see them doing it as they look even more like little old men. His whole face crinkles up when he smiles and it's the cutest! He continues to be our best sleeper- he rarely fusses when we put him in his crib for the night and will sleep for almost 10 hours straight. All the baby hair he lost is growing back in- it's very fine and fuzzy and sticks straight up in the air, but it has stayed dark in color. His eyes look like they're going to be hazel/grey in color. Not the same blue that Will's are. Griffin is still our laid back guy and very seldomly gets worked up, which works in everyone's favor since his brothers have been a little needier lately. Griffin always appears to be chilling no matter where he is- he likes to kick his feet up and relax. He enjoys being worn in my wrap and seemed to especially love when I put him in the Baby Bjorn the other day. He got a kick out of facing outward and having his arms and legs free to throw about.

Nugget #2
Double Stuff
Chunky Fuzz

He often looks surprised in pictures!
And he's easily distracted by his brothers
Trying hard to get a smile!
LOVES to eat anything he can get his hands on...
Anything at all!
Happy 6 months Poopah!
Little Cooper is our attention hog. He LOVES being in the spotlight and does really well with crowds, especially when all eyes are on him. Nothing makes him happier than when Mommy and Daddy snuggle up with him between us and shower him with kisses! He loves to be near his brothers, too...pretty much as long as he's touching someone, he is a happy camper. He has had our number lately and is starting to figure out that he can get his way if he cries long and hard enough. I'm hopeful that he's going through a growth spurt as he hasn't been sleeping through the night with any regularity in the past couple weeks. We have tried to let him cry it out but the cries often escalate to a heightened level that we can't ignore. Often times he'll calm down after he's had a little middle of the night snack. It's admittedly frustrating for Will and me as we have been spoiled by all three sleeping through the night, but we have to remind ourselves that he's a growing boy and might need a little snack to get him through some nights. He's our first baby to roll over from his back to front in his crib. We put him on his back and when I went in the next morning, he was sleeping on his belly. No more swaddling for this little guy! His hair is FINALLY starting to come in, though he still looks bald in most photos, and his eyes are really similar to Griffin's in color. He has started really laughing recently- the deep belly laugh that is so contagious! Hearing your baby laugh is probably the best sound in the world. You can't help but laugh, too!

Mini Cooper
Thin Mint

At 6 months we:
  • Eat 4 times a day- 8 oz each bottle
  • Sleep through the night (almost all of us, at least!)
  • Wear size 6 months clothes, and ready to move up soon (Will and Griffin)
  • Love to smile, laugh, and coo at people, especially Mom and Dad
  • Can roll over from back to front and back again at will
  • Enjoy play time and can reach for toys and hold them on our own
  • Interact with each other more often
  • Can hold our own bottles
  • Love to suck our thumbs

1 comment:

Jess H said...

What an incredible blessing to have multiples right on target so early in size and development. Happy Birthday, boys! You are a joy and a delight to so many!

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I realized today that I never posted a link to my new website. I’ve decided to try out a new, easier to find website and am now blogging ove...