Monday, February 15, 2016

Hilton Head

We're down in Hilton Head this week working on getting the condo ready for renting beginning in April. The place is in good shape overall, but it needs a lot of aesthetic upgrades like new paint and furniture. Doing any home renovation on a timeline is tricky; doing it with triplets in tow is hard. They've been relatively good for us, given that they're in a new environment and not getting as much adult attention as they have become accustomed to. I'm sure it helps that we brought as much of their stuff from home that we could. Nights have been a bit of a nightmare, though. Their pack-n-plays have been set up in the living room as we painted the back bedrooms so they have been waking up super early since the room doesn't stay dark. And naps have been an issue as they aren't sleeping as long as they should. This deadly combination equals a painful witching hour where all three are screaming for the 30-45 minutes before their last bottles of the night. Wow. It's been rough. Nights like this when we want to pull our hair out are extremely hard on our patience and tempers. But thankfully they are also extremely rare. It makes us very grateful that they are easy going the majority of the time. Because if every day was like that, we would probably drink a lot more!

We moved their pack-n-plays to one of the finished bedrooms last night in hopes that it will help them sleep later since the sunrise won't hit them. It seems to be working so far. Whew! Not quite 7 am and I'm the only one awake right now. Yesterday we changed the boys, had some play time, and were on our first bottles by 7:30 am. After being up with Cooper until 4:00 am, and getting up to pump around 5:30 am. Yesterday was not an ideal start to the morning. 

We're nearing the end of our to-do list in terms of projects so that means we will have extra time for some fun stuff. It's been really cold here so we haven't gotten out much past running errands. Hopefully we'll be able to get the boys out for some walks once the weather warms up this week!

Breakfast with a view 

Our makeshift baby play area in the living room. 

Peek a boo!

Picking paint samples at Lowes

How we get around when errands need to be run: wear one and push a cart while Will pushes the double stroller. Staring and side comments abound.

Early morning snuggles in bed

More early morning snuggles

Hanging out in the makeshift fort on the bed while Mom pumps and Dad continues to work on the condo. 

At least we're catching pretty sunrises while we're here!

My dinner dates (side note: lunches out work much better for us than dinner)

Brotherly love during bottles

How we strip wallpaper: one occupies/wrangles babies on the floor while the other works.

The only Valentine's Day picture I got with my boys yesterday. This was during a very short lived moment of peace and quiet last night as they chewed on their apples. Screaming fits followed shortly after. When these boys are done for the day, they are D-O-N-E. As are their parents!!

1 comment:

Jess H said...

Condo? what condo? Did I miss a post? Anyway, congrats and share the listing when it's available. I need some beach in my life.;)

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