Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Just Because...

I have lots of blog posts just waiting to be updated. But we were out of town on a (shortened) vacation last week, we are in the middle of changing internet providers so we have no internet (or cable!) at home for the past week, and we are nearly out of data on our cell phones. So we're pretty much off the grid these days. It's been rough (but also pretty nice, if I'm being honest!)

Here's a quick pic to tide everyone over until I can properly update! Lately we've been exploring our anatomy. Our favorite body part? Belly Buttons!!

Finding our belly buttons!


Molly said...

They each seem to be examining a different body part. I love how you always describe chaotic scenes (no internet, shortened vacations, raising three babies) as if they are so ordinary and unaffecting!

Jess H said...

Oh my gosh, this is absolutely hilarious. I hope they skip the 6 yr old breast fascination we're currently experiencing.

New Blog Location!

I realized today that I never posted a link to my new website. I’ve decided to try out a new, easier to find website and am now blogging ove...