Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Back in May we moved the boys' room around. We had the cribs lined up in a row, against the window wall in their room. But as they grew, they were starting to become very grabby and tried to get the curtains by sticking their hands through their crib rails. Our first try at rearranging was just to move the cribs out away from the wall...but we quickly decided that the room looked awkward with that way. The cribs were essentially hanging in the middle of the room and it just looked strange. Our answer was to take the nursing chair out of their room and then rearrange the cribs so that Griffin and Cooper's were on an opposite wall, side by side. For the past 5 months or so, this arrangement has worked pretty well.

But lately we've been watching them on Dropcam, and noticed that Griffin and Cooper play and interact with each other while they wait for one of us to come in and get them up in the morning or after naps. And Will was sort of over on his own, just watching those two play. It pretty much broke our hearts to see him left out. 

So the other night, we decided awkward or not, the cribs needed to be all in one row. We're back to where we started! The room looks a bit strange, but that's OK with us (now). :) I don't know if it really mattered much to the boys, but it did make Will and I happy to see Griffin and Will babbling with each other when they woke up from their nap the other afternoon. 

1 comment:

Molly said...

oooohhhh they're getting so big. so fun hearing them "talk". still can't believe you have three!

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