Monday, November 14, 2016

16 Months Old

Since they'll be 17 months old in a week, it's probably time for me to make some notes on life with these babies at 16 months old.
  • Their vocabulary is ever-expanding. They understand so much more than they can currently say, but they are starting to repeat things back to us with more frequency. Will is really good about signing and uses quite a few signs with regularity (milk, please, cracker, all done, daddy, banana- which is funny because we never feed them bananas). Cooper and Griffin will sign the basics (please and cracker mainly) but don't seem to be interested in learning new words right now. 
    Where most of their signing takes place
  • They love phones- looking at themselves on the camera, seeing it light up, and FaceTiming with my family. 
  • Griffin has an obsession with socks right now. He loves to walk around saying socks. I wish I could get a video of him saying it as it's pretty funny. He makes it into a 2 syllable word: sah-ocks. Of course as soon as my phone comes out to film it he's completely distracted so I doubt I'll ever get it documented.
    This sock-loving kid sent me on an extra 2 mile hike around the park a couple weeks ago when he decided to ditch his shoe mid-walk. Luckily a 5K was taking place on the same trail and a Good Samaritan turned his shoe into the lost and found!
  • Cooper is our little bouncing bean. He loves to jump in his crib and can actually get some pretty good air time! He also loves to jump while he holds our hands. I think a trampoline is in his future. He is also starting to get the hang of animal sounds- he knows what an owl says, and just tonight he said "moo" when he saw a cow.
  • Will is the last one we expected to be the climber, but he's the closest to climbing out of his crib. We are not at all ready for a transition to toddler beds, so here's hoping he doesn't fully figure out how to get himself out of his crib!
    He climbed into the exersaucer himself the other day!
  • That's not to say that they don't all love climbing. Lately their favorite activity is climbing on the couch repeatedly. They are so darn proud of themselves when they get up there!
    Rare moment of quietly sitting on the couch

  • They also have gotten good about using objects to help propel themselves up. Lately they like to pull their cozy coupe up to a chair and use that to prop themselves up onto the couch.
  • Will and Cooper continue to be Mr. Affectionates, and will offer us numerous hugs and kisses throughout the day. There was a stint where they weren't as into the smooches, so I'm particularly glad that they like to give them out again! Griffin is not quite as quick to dole out kisses, so when he does offer you one it's extra special.  
  • The belly button obsession continues. They love to look for their own belly buttons, but they also really love to look for mine! As soon as I lay down on the floor with them, they immediately pull my shirt up to find my belly button. Cooper then proceeds to zerbert my belly, which makes me laugh, which makes him laugh, which makes him do it again. Will likes to lay down and use my belly as a pillow. And Griffin enjoys sitting right on my head with a book. Because that is apparently a great place to read books. 
  • They all still love books and being read to. We have already worn through our copy of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, and there are several other books that are on their last days. They will happily entertain themselves in their cribs while we are changing diapers as long as they have a book to look at. Granted, it has to be the right book- not just any book will do. They definitely have preferences! They will often jostle for prime lap position when it's time to read a book. While you would think there's room on my lap for at least 2 babies, they prove that only one baby at a time will fit.   
  • All three have molars coming in, although poor Griffin has had the most trouble with them. He has 4 popping through at once, and his temperament reflects that these days. We're really struggling with his biting. He bites all. the. time. His brothers, his parents, blankets, books, toys. He's basically a teething puppy. He knows well enough now to know that biting is wrong, but it doesn't stop him from doing it. Will and Cooper are covered in bite marks from our little teething monster. I really hope he grows out of this phase soon.
  • All 3, but especially Will and Cooper, will practice "baby yoga" on command- again, it's hard to get on video, but it is hilarious when they do it:
  • The toddler tempers are starting to show themselves more and more. All 3 will throw little tantrums if they don't get their way or are told no. They have a flair for the dramatics and will throw themselves onto the floor and cry big crocodile tears. Then seconds later, they have moved on.
  • Will still is a daddy's boy, through and through. His favorite word is Dada. His favorite phrase is "Hi, Dada!", and his favorite spot is sitting in Dada's lap. Daddy is still the only one who can put him in his crib for bed at night. Occasionally I am OK with him, too. :)
    Rare Will/Mommy day date at Hobby Lobby, though the shirt is fitting.
  •  Cooper remains our social butterfly- always quick to offer a smile and a wave to strangers when we are out and about. He loves the attention! 
    Always smiling, our little Cooper
  • Griffin continues to love all things soft and cozy. He will often take a little breather in the play room and lay down on a pillow or use big bear as a pillow. He also likes to lay on his belly and look at books.
    Kid loves his cozy spots!
    With his pillow and a good book

  • Yesterday we set up a high chair at the kitchen island- we let Griffin sit up there and "help" me cook dinner and then put Cooper in there to "help" us clean up after dinner. They really seemed to enjoy having the one-on-one time. I've been thinking more and more about trying to find ways to let them have a little downtime from each other. They are together 24/7- I'm sure they get tired of being stuck together all the time. Letting one of them sit separately from his brothers for a stint of time is a small step, but hopefully will help minimize bickering.
  • They still love their accessories. They like to wear hats, except when they are outside and should wear them. I brought a hand-me-down puffy vest in to the play room one day to try it on for size, and ever since then they love to wear it while they play. As mentioned, Griffin loves to wear socks, and Will loves to take them off.
    I think he looks like Mikey from "Look Who's Talking"!

    Hipster baby

    This kid is nothing, if not stylin'
  • They love exploring outside, and being out and about in public. We're still very fortunate that they are extremely well-behaved when we're out to eat or running errands. It's still quite a bit of work to get out of the house, but we're trying to be more open to getting out with them.
    Post-lunch walk. Extra hands make for happy explorers!
    They discovered the next door neighbors' dog

    Saying hi to Daddy!

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