Friday, March 17, 2017

20 Months Old

I am getting worse and worse about posting these monthly updates in a timely fashion. I'm challenging myself to keep posting these updates until they hit two years old...they really do change so much in such a short time and I want to remember everything I can about this stage in their life! So, without further ado- a look at our 20 month olds:
  • Griffin and Cooper have developed a bit of a hoarding issue at bedtime. They now each have at least 2 stuffed animals in their cribs with them. Cooper used to just want his baby bear. Now he has both baby bear and Maple the Moose. And Griffin has gone from having his small lovie blanket (with his name on it) and Raffi to having all 3 of their lovies plus Raffi, plus his baby bear. They keep piling the stuff in. Will, meanwhile, still prefers a clean crib. If we put any stuffed animal in with him he will immediately throw it out.
  • They have known how to sign "sorry" for awhile now. (You rub your fist around your heart area to show that you are sorry). We are teaching them to sign "sorry" to their brothers when they hurt each other. There is an awful lot of biting, hitting, and pushing happening among all three lately. Usually not malicious, but still- we want them to know when they've hurt their brother somehow and apologize. We still have to work on getting them to fully understand what sorry means! For example, if Griffin hits Cooper and we instruct Griffin to say he's sorry, Cooper will be the one to sign it. :) Something else they've started doing is to sign "sorry" on the other person's chest when they apologize. So if we tell Cooper to apologize to Will, Cooper will walk up to Will and rub his fist on Will's chest and say "sorry". It is so stinking sweet!
  • They are some chatty little boys these days! Lots of babbling with an occasional coherent word slipping in. 
  • Will had a sudden infatuation with taking his pants off. 
  • They love to "dance"- their dance consists of turning around in circles and then plopping on the ground. Same moves. Every time.
  • They still request Baby Signing Time every day.
  • They requests baths nearly every day, too.
  • They're getting better about using utensils for meals. They'll ask for "foks" specifically at meal times. They're able to use spoons, but man- is it messy!
  • Will is getting very good at saying his name. He will say the names of whomever you point to- "Mama!", "Dada!", and if you ask him what his name is he'll say "Vvvillll!" He knows his brothers' names, too, but he very rarely tries to say them. Cooper will also point to Will and call him by name, but won't say his own name yet. 
  • We brought out some of the toys that we had in hiding for a few months and they have been big hits. They love to play in their tent, though it drives their OCD mama crazy. I have tried numerous times to set it up (properly) with all the different tent pieces attached with velcro. It is pretty pointless to even try because their favorite activity is to barrel through it and break it apart. Because what fun is entering the tent through the openings when you can jump into it from the top?!
  • We also brought their mega blocks back out. It's amazing to see how much better they are at playing with them now. Griffin will entertain himself with the blocks for long periods of time and actually builds things. And all three can easily put together stacks of blocks that are the same size. 
  • They all enjoy playing with trucks and cars, but Griffin is by far the biggest fan. He will often have at least one truck in his hand while he's playing throughout the day.
  • Jumping in their cribs is a favorite activity lately. They can get pretty high!! 

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