Tuesday, March 28, 2017

These Days

Wanted to share a few random videos that capture the boys' personalities these days:

They love, love. love to be outside exploring. Sue and Avery came down to help watch the boys a couple weeks ago when Will's knee was still in bad shape. Sue sent me these videos while I was at work. We are still working on their word pronunciations. Lately several things that they say- "stick" and "sit" mainly, sound like a very different word!

All three boys love playing with our phones. They will "call" people all the time- mainly "Papa", "Dada" or "Mama". Cooper has recently figured out how to get to the camera from the locked home screen. I have a series of pictures on my phone now of his little face giggling. He laughs and laughs when he hears the phone camera clicking away. He has also figured out how to record short videos- and capture his mama trying to get the phone back from him as he runs away:

Similarly, they all love bouncing in their cribs. We can generally hear when they wake up from a nap because it sounds like a herd of cattle running around upstairs when all 3 are jumping. Will is especially good at getting some air when he jumps:

And finally, the one that makes me laugh the hardest. Our little weirdos love to put blankets over their heads and then wander around aimlessly until they bump into things. Last night Griffin got mad when Will took away the broken golf club he was playing with and started throwing a tiny tantrum, while refusing to take the blanket off his head. We could not stop laughing at his antics!

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