Saturday, July 8, 2017

First Library Trip

We took our first trip to the library this week. They have a weekly Wigglers Class geared toward children ages 0-2 so we decided to give the class a try. The boys L-O-V-E-D the library, though we didn't read a single book! The children's area was stocked full of toys, puzzles, and stuffed animals- the boys had a blast running around and playing with everything. They were much more subdued during the actual class, but I'm hopeful that they'll get more into the songs and dancing as they become comfortable with the structure. The other kids in the class were very into the songs...our boys just sort of sat and stared at the teacher and eventually tried to wander out of the room. I'm glad we gave it a try, though! I'm sure we'll be back to the library quite a bit this summer.

Griffin's favorite part of the library- the gigantic bears!

Needing a little help from Mama to get into the class, and even that didn't help!

But they sure did love the stuffed animals!

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