Thursday, March 19, 2015

Week 20

How far along? 20 weeks, 6 days (March 19, 2015)

Total weight gain/loss: Up 18 lbs...yikes! I guess babies (and their mama) have hit a growth spurt in the past week!
Maternity clothes? Yes
Sleep: Pretty much non-existent right now. I've been sick with a cold for the past week so breathing has been a challenge. That, coupled with my constant need to pee, has been making sleep difficult!
Best moments this week: Our anatomy ultrasound- 2 hours straight of watching the Rice Krispies in action!
Have you told family and friends: Yes
Movement: Yes! Finally put two and two together and realized that the strange feelings I've been feeling are actually my babies moving around. My eyes were closed when the ultrasound tech was doing the gender screen, but she made a comment that Baby B wasn't holding still for her as I was feeling something in that area. Now that I know what it feels like, I'm feeling them much more often. So far, mainly Snap and Crackle. Will is anxious for when he can feel them from the outside!
Food cravings: Still wanting fruit and milk all the time. We used the grill for the first time this season on Sunday evening and now I could go for grilled vegetables every night. And a friend posted a pic of a grasshopper blizzard from Dairy Queen on her Instagram page, and ever since I can't stop thinking about having one myself!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Thankfully, not really! 
Have you started to show yet: I'm now showing to the point of strangers saying things to me. I guess that's when you know you're noticeably pregnant!
Gender prediction: 2 more days until we know for sure, but I'm sticking with my original guess of 2 boys and a girl. My office has a "Mason Madness" white board where they're making predictions. I think 2 boys and a girl is the definite favorite right now. I'm so excited for Saturday!!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Holding steady at in, but getting flatter every day.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Yes. Definitely moody. My temper, especially with Will, has gotten quite short in the past week or so. Poor guy. But in my defense, he picks fights with a pregnant person instead of letting things go! We had a nice long talk about how I need try to be less moody and hormonal and he needs to be less defensive when I do have an outburst. I'm trying hard to keep my temper in check.

Weekly Wisdom: I'm so looking forward to knowing if we have sons or daughters on the way. I think it will help me feel all the more connected to them once we know who's cooking inside me!

Milestones: At their ultrasound this week, Snap and Pop were weighing in at 13 oz, while Crackle was 12 oz. That's 3 cans of beer in my belly! I love looking at our newest ultrasound pics this week. I feel like their personalities are starting to show, even in utero! 

I added a poll the the side of the blog so people could vote on what they think the gender reveal party results will be. Feel free to add your guess there!

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