Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Lucky number 7!

These little cuties had a quick weight check in at the doctor's office on Monday!

Can you believe all 3 of our babies now weigh over 7 pounds each?!

Will has taken over as the front runner at 7 lbs, 6 oz. Griffin is right behind him at 7 lbs, 4 oz, and our "mini" Cooper is not so mini anymore! He gained a whopping 2 pounds over the past 2 weeks and is now 7 lbs, 3 oz! 

You can tell in these pictures that they are really starting to even out in terms of size, but Cooper still feels so much smaller than his brothers! Guess it's just a mental thing for us now as he's always been the smallest of our guys. 

Dr. Mace is really happy with how well they're gaining weight so we don't have to go back for another check up until their 2 month appointment. So that's great news. Bad news? All three have a diaper rash that has turned into a yeast infection (Cooper having the worst case- poor baby!  No wonder he's been fussy!) so we have a new diaper routine that involves not one, but two butt pastes- a prescription paste for the yeast infection followed by desitin for an extra barrier. And a mountain of wash cloths to thoroughly dry their bums before applying all the pastes. This new changing routine leaves them "exposed" longer than we'd prefer- we've had quite a few extra wardrobe changes thanks to overactive bladders and being out in the open for too long. We're trying out different techniques to be quick on the draw and avoid having to change their outfits (and our own shirts!) too often. If any other boy moms have ideas about how to stop/fend off this shower problem- I'm all ears!

All three are relatively patient with the longer diaper changes and you can tell that their bums are clearing up already, just 24 hours later. Cooper especially seems to be in better spirits, which is a relief. The poor baby had to be in pain as his bum was raw despite our best efforts to keep it clean and desitin-ed. We've upped his feeds to 3 oz since he's such a big boy now and his bum is healing so he's been much more mellow and has actually slept for long stretches at night! That's a win for all of us! 


Krista Lee said...

Oh my goodness!! They are so adorable!!!! Colin has had the same diaper rash issues from time to time :( Hopefully it will go away quickly! xoxo

Krista Lee said...

Oh my goodness!! They are so adorable!!!! Colin has had the same diaper rash issues from time to time :( Hopefully it will go away quickly! xoxo

New Blog Location!

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